
How We Add Value

Our 3 pillars of service

The financial aspect of healthcare can be a daunting process to manage with so many moving parts that factor in how great an experience and care you can provide to your patients. In our years of experience we have noticed growing pains in specific areas of finance in healthcare. To best serve our clients we focus on 3 areas of healthcare finance to provide the best and most efficient level of consulting in their medical group/community:

Government Healthcare

Specialized healthcare insight in both Medicaid and Medicare line of business.

Risk Based Contract Providers

In depth analysis of membership and drivers of cost to maximize risk based contracts.

Data Modeling and Visulization

Data visualization, data standardization, and KPI dashboards tailor to monitor your business and make informed decisions backed by the numbers.

Implementation and Compliance

At PrimeHealth Consulting we believe that the implementation of a solution is just as important as find a solution. We will work with you on not only finding a a tailored solution to your situation but the most practical and efficient way to implement it. We strive to change your healthcare practice for the better as we find a solution that can be implemented, measured, and optimized. This is all done while adhering to the HIPAA compliance regulations and ethics. 

How can we help?
